
Friday, October 22, 2004

When Snickers aren't enough

I've consumed an entire bag of fun-sized Snickers bars and I'm still in a foul mood.

It took enormous self-control for me not to swing my handbag at a car that came within a foot of me on the pedestrian crosswalk behind my building. The only thing that stopped me was that I had already clobbered a huge black SUV that nearly ran me over earlier in the week. It resounded with a very satisfying bang. The driver didn't even slow to see if she hit another human being. She had probably seen enough to know not to stop -- my fierce expression as she came barreling at me making her illegal left turn.

It doesn't help that the day hasn't cracked blue, not even once.

Truly, though, I think it's this campaign that's getting to me. I just don't understand how half the people in this country can favor W and his band of bungling sociopaths. And that so many churches endorse him.

Why are so many spiritual leaders fixated on gay marriage and abortion? How is it that so many ministers and priests in the United States no longer care about war, poverty, or debt?

I was watching this demonic television preacher in one of those stadium churches in Texas rant on about how gay people are an abomination, how they need to be condemned, blah, blah, blah. The stadium was full. People were clapping as this guy spewed. Of course he endorsed W straight from the pulpit.

So I called the church's prayer line.

And guess what. There was no prayer partner available for me. I got a recorded message asking me to leave my name and a message.

So I left a message. I told them John Hagee's ( preaching was divisive and hateful, when we needed unification and tolerance. That it was offensive for him to endorse George W Bush from the pulpit on the basis of the constitutional amendment against gay marriage. I asked which he saw the greater threat -- perma-war, and the enormous and tragic loss of lives, or gay people publicly affirming a lifelong commitment to each other.

Don't even get me started on how stupid it would be to make abortion illegal.

As I got going, my accent became increasingly southern. Not sure how that happened. I'm from Illinois.

It really depresses me that so many people in this country are fundamentalist and that their touchstone issues are gays and abortions. If Bush wins, he will be winning on a platform of hatred, bigotry, and fear. God help us.


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